Customer Service
4ProStylists Headquarters
8901 SW 157th Ave Miami, Fl 33196
Phone number
+1 (786) 267-9501
In the case a wrong address was placed during checkout or a mixup was made in the products you were purchasing, all buyers are given 24 hours or the next business day till 12:00 pm (whichever comes first), to submit an email via the contact forms, and under the "subject" tab, choose "reroute order/switch purchased products" where they may submit their new shipping address or change the accidentally bought items with the items desired; in the case of switching your purchased products for other stock, buyers may be subject to pay an extra amount according to the cost of the selected items, or receive a partial refund. If we perceive that the shipping address does not correlate that of the billing address, we may proceed in cancelling the order and processing a full refund.
All orders are shipped via USPS, UPS or FedEx and may be tracked on their respective websites with the tracking number provided on the confirmation emails sent. 4ProStylists specifically facilitates tracking orders for their clients by submitting a text message with all related details; this option is only viable for clients whom enter there phone number when completing purchases.
If you did not receive a confirmation email, it is possible your purchase was not completed. In the case it is, simply click on the "subject" tab and select "checkout issues" explaining your case and we shall internally send you any details referencing your purchase.
While we do not occasionally cancel orders made on our website, at times cancellations may be made since items are subject to in-stock availability and are not held if checkout is not completed. If a cancellations is made, a full refund shall be processed to your original payment method and should be reflected within 24-48 hours. In the case that some items are not available from the total of your order, we may proceed with a partial refund upon accordance with the buyer. On another note, cancelling orders may be made due to a lack of correlation between shipping and billing addresses. This is done to avoid fraudulent activities. In the case a buyer is shipping to a different address, a confirmation message may be asked for us to process your order.
All orders are processed and shipped within the next business day. In case a delay is present within your order, the likely motive behind any delay is due to a wrong address provided. If this is the case, we shall contact you via email to ask for further details pertaining to your shipping address. Until this email has not been responded, we shall hold your order and not ship it till further notice. Failure to respond to our emails requesting further details, may result in the cancellation of your order.